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  • ‎€ 690
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KMM025 KITCHEN MACHINE - WHITE Per gli accessori vedi anche la relativa pagina del sito

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KMM025 KITCHEN MACHINE - WHITE - MEGA PACK including AT337 stainless steel Blender / AT647 Food Processor / AT950A Multi Food Grinder / AT320A Multi Mill / AT641 Continuous Juicer / AT850B Electronic Scales   *when ordering K Beater / Whisk / Dough Hook and Shafts, please read Technical Sheet 'BEATER SHAFT DESIGN CHANGE'  

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KMM060 KITCHEN MACHINE - SILVER including KAH357NS Glass Blender / AT647 Food Processor / Stainless Steel Bowl with Handles 36386B    *when ordering K Beater / Whisk / Dough Hook and Shafts, please read Technical Sheet 'BEATER SHAFT DESIGN CHANGE'  

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KMM060 KITCHEN MACHINE - SILVER including KAH357NS Glass Blender / Stainless Steel Bowl with Handles 36386B    *when ordering K Beater / Whisk / Dough Hook and Shafts, please read Technical Sheet 'BEATER SHAFT DESIGN CHANGE'  

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KMM063 KITCHEN MACHINE - BRUSHED SILVER including KAH357NS Glass Blender / Stainless Steel Bowl with Handles 36386B    *when ordering K Beater / Whisk / Dough Hook and Shafts, please read Technical Sheet 'BEATER SHAFT DESIGN CHANGE'  

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KMM063 KITCHEN MACHINE - BRUSHED SILVER - including KAH357NS Glass Blender / AT312 Citrus press / AT320A Multi Mill / AT647 Food Processor / AT950A Multi Food Grinder / AT850B Electronic Scales / Stainless Steel Bowl with Handles 36386B    *when ordering K Beater / Whisk / Dough Hook and Shafts, please read Technical Sheet 'BEATER SHAFT DESIGN CHANGE'  

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KMM065 KITCHEN MACHINE - WHITE including KAH357NS Glass Blender / AT502 Flexi Beater    *when ordering K Beater / Whisk / Dough Hook and Shafts, please read Technical Sheet 'BEATER SHAFT DESIGN CHANGE'